Error Log view for output messages

The Error Log →view captures all the events (e.g. warnings, errors) logged by →features

All events are saved to an underlying file .log.
The Error Log view is visible, if you start Neuron Power Engineer for the first time or open one of the →perspectives for application creating or application testing.
If the Error Log view is not visible in your application, you can add it to the current perspective: Select Window – Show View – Error Log.

In this article:

Components of Error Log

Columns in view

The following columns are visible within Error Log:

  • Column Message displays an icon indicating the type and the actual text of the event.
    The following icons might be displayed in Error Log:






  • Column Plug-in provides the name of the plug-in containing the event.

  • Column Date indicates the date and time when the event has occurred.

Context menu and toolbar for view

Right-clicking inside the view opens a context menu. Moreover, the view provides a toolbar with buttons. The context menu as well as the buttons allows you to perform actions. See the following section for a list of possible actions.

Actions for Error Log

Sorting events

Events in Error Log can be sorted by column MessagePlug-in ID or Date in ascending or descending order:

  1. Click the column header that you want the sorting to be based on.
    Result:  in the column header indicates the descending order,  indicates the ascending order.

  2. If you need to activate the other order type: Click on the column header again.

Grouping events

Events in Error Log can be grouped by SessionPlug-in ID or not at all:

  • Click  in toolbar of Error Log, select Group By and one of the provided commands.

Filtering events

You can filter the view to show events with a particular text only:

  • Enter the filter text into the box displayed above the columns and press the Enter-key.

If there is no box to enter the filter text, have it displayed: Click  in toolbar of Error Log and select Show text filter.

You can filter the view to show events of a particular type or session as well:

  1. Click  in toolbar of Error Log and select Filters...

  2. In the dialog, check the filtering options you want to show. You can also limit the number of entries in the view.

Importing log

  1. Click button  in toolbar of Error log or select Import Log... from the context menu.

  2. In the dialog, select a file with extension .log from the file system.

Exporting current log

  1. Click button  in toolbar of Error Log or select Export Log... from the context menu.

  2. In the dialog, enter a file name.

Clearing/deleting log

To clear the view log content without deleting the underlying file .log:

  • Click button  in toolbar of Error Log or select Clear Log Viewer from the context menu.

To permanently delete the underlying file .log:

  • Click button  in toolbar of Error log or select Delete Log from the context menu.

Viewing event details

  1. Double-click on a particular event or select Event Details from the context menu of that event.

  2. In the dialog, view the full details of the event (e.g. date, severity, message).

  3. If required: Navigate from one event to the next by clicking button  or .

  4. If required: To copy the event to the clipboard, click button  .